Company Seat

Odborárska 52
831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, EU


+4212 4342 3400
+421 905 400 490



Odborárska 52
831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, EU

Illustrative image


Our products - interpreting technology, conference technology, voting systems, interpreting laboratories and other AV technology - are the result of more than 30 years of active experience in the field of research and development of specialized audiovisual solutions.
Our technologies work in different countries and their reliability and quality are tested every day in the technical security of events of international importance.

Interpretation technology

Conference technology

Projection technology

Projection and presentation equipment, 2D as well as 3D (data- and videoprojectors, rear projectors, visualizers, telebridges, projection canvas, plasma screens, display system, other special technologies) tailored to the wishes of the customer.

Technical accessories

Miscellaneous equipment for conferences, meetings and events: We provide both standard and nonstandard technologies.

  • Lighting equipment (color reflectors for lighting up podiums or creating a colorful atmosphere)
  • Computers, laptops with various software, printers, other equipment
  • Audio and video recording equipment, video broadcasts

Voting system

The "ctVote" voting system is a professional voting software application primarily linked to CONTEST® conference systems (4th and higher generation) that include hardware voting equipment.

i-Lab Virtual interpreting laboratory

The virtual interpreting laboratory represents the online technological equipment of a virtual interpreting (language) classroom intended for the teaching of foreign languages, especially for the special teaching of simultaneous or consecutive interpreters.
The virtual interpreting laboratory consists of a server on the Internet with appropriate software equipment and user laptops (smartphones, tablets, PCs...) of the lecturer and students/interpreters.
CONTEST i-Lab corresponds to the relevant ISO standards and technical conformity of the European Commission (DG SCIC.C.4).
The i-Lab virtual interpreting laboratory is made available to users with the help of licenses.
We currently offer two types of licenses:
1. i-Lab virtual interpreting classroom,
2. i-Lab classroom of virtual interpreting booths.
Minimum technical requirements for a notebook (PC) for the i-Lab system:
1. Student: Operating memory 4GB; Internet connection 30/3 Mb; Internet browser Firefox.
2. Lecturer: Operating memory 6GB; Intel i3 processor, 8th generation; Internet connection 40/20 Mb; Internet browser Firefox.