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831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, EU


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Odborárska 52
831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, EU

Tour guide – interpreting set

Tour guide – interpreting set

CONTEST® tour-guide (interpreting) 2G4 set is the multi channel wireless equipment for transmitting sound signal from the speaker/-s to the listeners.
It allows quality hearing of the spoken language (or music) in busy surrounding also in the longer distance from the speaker.
In praktice it could mean that the turists (delegates) can first-class hear the guide´s speach (interpreter) in whatever open or closed surrounding (for example on square, in the castle, museum, cave, bus, production hall, conference room, etc.), even in the distance longer than 50m from the guide/interpreter
True diversity systém (technology of processing of the received signal - each receiver is equiped with) ensures, by contrast to classic systems, maximum possible communication reliability also in aggraveted conditions of the signal transmission.


Characteristics of 2G4 set:

  • It is possible to use the tour- guide set also as an 32-channels interpreting equipment – for simultaneous interpreting. The interpretation could be done in whatever external or internal surrounding.
  • Tour-guide set consists of digital transmitter (in some case of more transmitters working at the same time in the same surrounding) and unlimeted number of participant´s receivers.
  • Digital transmitter is of pocket type (dimensions: 110x62x19mm, weight 80g) with in-built microphone to which it is possible to connect also external headband microphone (weight 30g; comfortable to wear, provides perfectly stable positioning) or tie-clip microphone (weight 8g; with removable clip).
  • Digital participant receiver is of pocket type (dimensions: 110x62x19mm, weight 80g), to which light dynamic headphones are connected (weight 60g).
  • Transmitter and receiver small dimensions and a low weight allow to put them into the pocket of the blazer, jacket, trousers or to hang it on belt. The transmitter is switched on by the switcher, the receiver directly by the headphones connection.
  • Transmitter or receiver is powered by: rechargeable AA accumulators (NIMH) using mobile charging case with automatic charging of these devices. Each device is equiped with LED indication which indicates clearly and digestedly during charging the accumulators conditions in each device, or two accumulators of 1,5V type AA. Life-time of the accumulators (alkaline) in the transmitter is about 10 hours of the working time, in the receiver even some days.
  • To the comfortable transport and storage of the tour-guide set serves solid professional case of the black colour with aluminium profile frames, inside foam padding and robust carrying handle.
  • Optional part is the professional case with aluminium profile frames for the storage and transport of headphones and system accessories.


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