Company Seat

Odborárska 52
831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, EU


+4212 4342 3400
+421 905 400 490



Odborárska 52
831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, EU



The ctVote voting system can be used for any type of meetings, sessions, negotiations, etc., from smaller local councils to large parliaments.
ctVote is a multi-variant configurable application fully customizable to any user requirements.
ctVote has Slovak and English language versions.
The specific functionalities of the ctVote voting system are:

  • weighted voting (arbitrary setting of the "weight" of each voter's vote);
  • multi-vote voting (arbitrary setting of the number of votes for each voter).


ctVote ensures a transparent and smooth course of the event (meetings, sessions, negotiations, etc.) with all the required functionalities:

  • preset all parameters of the event according to the current rules of procedure, statutes, special requirements, etc.;
  • presentation of participants (using ID cards inserted into conference units);
  • records of any required data about participants (name, surname, place of residence, titles, date of birth, political/party affiliation, local affiliation, etc.);
  • managed discussion in terms of settings with distribution and management of discussion posts, factual notes, etc.;
  • any number of microphone units for guests ("non-presenters") included in the system (chairman's desk, lectern, recorder, lawyer, economist, etc.), which the operator can activate ("turn on") at any time;
  • arbitrary setting of all time intervals;
  • voting ("FOR", "AGAINST", "ABSTRAINED");
  • simple immediate printing of the last completed vote directly by pressing the appropriate button (with the printer icon) on the operator's monitor;
  • logging into the "discussion", "factual" note;
  • arbitrary setting of the required quorum for each vote;
  • management of the event by an operator or several operators;
  • any number of operators in the system, each with their own security password;
  • preset and description of individual points of the event;
  • the possibility of changing individual points of the event during its course (change of order, texts, additional materials, etc.);
  • the course of the event at individual points divided into several parts (start, possible presentation, proposal, discussion, voting, break, continuation, termination);
  • registration and incorporation of procedural proposals;
  • complex preparation of materials for the event, including processing of attachments (proposals, resolutions, etc.);
  • automatic storage of all event data;
  • creation of arbitrary reports from the event according to the required criteria;
  • automatic recording of AUDIO during the entire course of the event;
  • addressed selection of the recording of the selected part of the event (by meeting, point, name of the member of parliament, etc.).
Technical specification of voting system equipment:
  • PC for operator /-s;
  • any number of CONTEST conference units with voting (with the possibility of discrete sounding of the conference place, with the possibility of independent reception of interpreted signals in the conference unit, with the possibility of interaction with the camera system and automatic filming and zooming of the cameras to the speaking speaker);
  • connection of any audio-visual equipment to the system (eg video conference system, portable microphones, interpretation system, camera system, etc.);
  • connection of any number of output display devices (monitors, information panels, projectors, printers, etc.);
  • connection of any audio-visual output devices (sound system, monitors, projectors, video conference devices, recorders, etc.).


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